BMECH_JOINTCENTREPIG(fld,joints) is a batch process function to compute left and right hip,knee, and joint centers based on Vicon plug-in gait (PiG) method ARGUMENTS fld ... Folder to batch process (string). Default: folder selection window. joints ... Name of joints to compute (string or cell array of strings): 'HipJC', 'KneeJC', or 'Ankle JC'. Default {'HipJC','KneeJC','AnkleJC'}; NOTES - Hip joint centre computation method based on Davis et al. "A gait analysis data collection and reduction technique". Hum Mov Sci. 1991. see 'hipJointCentrePiG.m' (available in the help files) - Knee and ankle joint centre computed via the PiG "chord" function. See Vicon User manual (available in the help files) See also jointcentrePiG_data